


Of all the patients in intensive care units who are at _____ of dying, some 20 percent present difficult ethical choices - whether to keep trying to save the life.

  (A) price (B) risk (C) rim (D) attempt


在加護病房中所有有死亡 ____ 的病人,有大約20%(的病人)面臨道德抉擇的難題 - 是否繼續設法去救這些生命。

  (A) 價格 (B) 危險 (C) (圓型)物體的邊或邊緣 (D) 企圖 答: B

(at risk of …. 冒著有…危險)

32 In summertime, higher standards of personal _____ are necessary to prevent disease.
  (A) aspiration (B) commodity (C) hygiene (D) routine

  在夏季,較高標準的個人 _____ 對於防止疾病是必要的。
  (A) 呼吸 (B) 商品 (C) 衛生 (D) 例行工作 答:C


The peace rally is gaining _____ every hour. By now, thousands of people have gathered in front of the parliament building.

  (A) consolidation (B) momentum (C) radiation (D) ultimatum


和平集會每小時都在增加 _____。至目前為止,成千的人已經聚集在議會大樓前面。

  (A) 整合 (B) 動力 (C) 幅射 (D) 最後通牒 答: B


In the Seoul Olympics of 1988, Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson won a 100-meter gold medal in 9.79 sec. His _____ came almost as fast, after it was revealed that he had used steroids to achieve his world-beating performance.

  (A) basket case (B) nom de plume (C) fall from grace (D) standing on his head


在1988漢城奧運會中,加拿大短跑選手Ben Johnson以9.79秒贏得了100公尺金牌。他的_____ 來的很快,在他被揭露他是服用類固醇贏得他破世界紀錄的表現之後。

  (A) 精神瀕於崩潰 (B) 筆名 (C) 失寵 (D) 倒立 答:C


Call-in surveys sometimes misrepresent public opinion because people who tend to call may be a small amount of people with strong ideas or certain attitudes; thus the “silent _____” might often be ignored.

  (A) majority (B) maximum (C) minimum (D) minority

  打電話(call-in)進來的調查方式有時候是不能正確地代表大眾的意見,因為會打電話的人也許只是一小撮有強烈意見或特定態度的人;因此 “沉默的 ____” 也許是經常被忽略了。
  (A) 大多數 (B) 最大值 (C) 最小值 (D) 少數 答: A

36 Tourists are often accused of being loud and rude, but they may in fact help _____ traditional cultures.
  (A) abuse (B) impede (C) hinder (D) sustain

  觀光客經常被指責是行為大聲和粗魯,但是實際上他們也許在幫助 _____ 傳統文化。
  (A) 爛用 (B) 阻礙 (C) 阻礙 (D) 支撐 答: D

help是使役動詞(文法書p.136),後面的不定詞 to sustain 省略了to


It is an excellent plan on paper, but from a practical point of view, it just isn’t _____.

  (A) feasible (B) visible (C) gullible (D) vulnerable


這個計劃在紙上作業很好,但以實務觀點來看,它就是不 _____。

  (A) 可實行的 (B) 可見的 (C) 易受騙的

(D) 有弱點的

答: A


These companies claim deeper seawater contains more _____ and fewer pollutants than surface water.

  (A) cankers (B) nutrients (C) incentives (D) utilities


這些公司聲稱超級甜,和表層水比較有較多的 _____ 和較少的污染

  (A) 潰爛瘍口 (B) 營養 (C) 獎勵 (D) 設施 答: B


At the airport, the customs officials usually open our bags to ____ the contents.

  (A) expect (B) retrospect (C) prospect (D) inspect


在機場,海關官員通常打開我們的行李 _____ 內裝物品。

  (A) 期望 (B) 回顧、回溯 (C) 繁榮 (D) 檢查 答: D


We cannot say that men’s characters improve in proportion _____ their knowledge increases, nor can we say the opposite.

  (A) to (B) for (C) as (D) with



  We cannot say that men’s characters improve in proportion as their knowledge increases,
  主詞 動詞   主詞 動詞 主詞 動詞

nor can we say the opposite.

    主詞 動詞  
  as their knowledge increases 是從屬副詞子句(文法書P.335);答案中只有as可以當作從屬連接詞。


Rather than sailing smoothly into a crucial financial summit in December, the EU seems to be cruising for a bruising.


The EU financial summit, though bruised, is expected to have a crucial sailing in December.


The EU financial summit, in spite of its smooth sailing, is likely to be cancelled in December.


The EU financial summit, though scheduled to be held in December, is faced with crucial financial problems.


The EU financial summit, to be held in December, is proceeding with difficulties.



  (A) 在11月的歐盟金融高峯會議,雖然驚濤駭浪,但預期會有一個重要進行。


  (C) 歐盟金融高峯會議,雖然預定在11月舉行,但面臨一些重要的金融問題。




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請依下文回答第 42 題至 46 :
Division does not always require that classification follow it. Your purpose in classifying, however, is to show how things in a group are similar. __42  division and classification do work together. If you emptied the contents of a pocketbook onto a table, you would begin to divide those contents into groups. __43_ division, you would identify objects relating to finances, objects relating to personal care, objects relating to school work. Once you had the divisions clear, you would place objects in each category: money, checks, and credit cards in the first; cosmetics, a comb, and perfume in the second; pencils and a notebook in the third.
When you divide and classify for writing, you have to keep several things in mind. You have to think carefully about the division of the topic so that you limit the __44__ from group to group. That is best achieved by creating categories different enough from each other so there is no blending. Since, you, the writer, have to establish the groups, you need to use a principle of classification that is sensible, accurate and complete. Do not force categories just __45 _making groups. You have to show how things in a group relate to each other, and this you must do without __46__ their differences and without making them stereotypes. If you stereotype objects in a group, you will be oversimplifying them, taking away their individuality, and forcing them to fit your categories.

42 (A) Yet (B) So (C) Hence (D) Meanwhile
43 (A) Across (B) So (C) Through (D) Between
44 (A) overlap (B) outlook (C) extension (D) extremity
45 (A) for the sake of (B) in case of (C) as a result of (D) by dint of
46 (A) noticing (B) ignoring (C) arranging (D) measuring

      分組並不一定要有分類相隨。雖然,你分類的目的是要表示一組中有類似的事物。__42  分組和分類確實是相輔相成。如果你將口袋中的物品放到桌上,你可以開始將這些物品分為幾個組。__43_分組,你可以辨別出和財務有關的物品,和個人生活有關的物品和學校功課有關的物品。一但分組完成,你可以將物品放置在每一個類別中:金錢、支票和信用卡在第一類;化妝品、一支梳子和香水在第二類;鉛筆和一本記事本在第三類。

      當你為寫作文章分組或分類的時候,你必須將幾件事情記在心中。你必須小心主題的分組才不會有組和組之間的__44__。這個可經由設立類別時相互間要有足夠的區隔、沒有混合、就可以達成。既然是你 - 作家自己 - 要建立分組,你必須要用合理、正確和完整的分類原則。不要勉強分類只 __45 _ 設立分類。你必須顯示個組中的事務如何地有相互關聯,基於此你必須做的沒有__46__它們的差異,並且沒有使它們千篇一律。如果你在個組中將東西都弄的一樣,你就會太簡化它們了,拿掉了他們的個體性,強迫它們去適合你的分類。

42 (A)然而 (B) 如此 (C) 因此 (D) 同時 答: A

43 (A)橫越 (B) 沒有 (C) 經由 (D) 在...之間 答: C

44 (A)重疊 (B) 展望 (C) 延伸 (D) 極端 答: A

45 (A)為了….的緣故 (B) 萬一 (C) 結果 (D) 藉由… 答: A

46 (A)注意 (B) 忽視 (C) 安排 (D) 衡量 答: B

請依下文回答第 47 題至 50 :

        You ask me what is poverty? Listen to me. Here I am, dirty, smelly, and with no “proper” underwear on and with the stench of my rotting teeth near you. I will tell you. Listen to me. Listen without pity. I cannot use your pity. Listen with understanding. __47 _
Poverty is getting up every morning from a dirt-and-illness-stained mattress. The sheets have long since been used for diapers. __48__ This is a smell of urine, sour milk, and spoiling food sometimes joined with the strong smell of long-cooked onions. __49__ It is the smell of the outdoor privy. It is the smell of the milk which has gone sour because the refrigerator long has not worked, and it costs money to get it fixed. It is the smell of rotting garbage. __50__ Shovels cost money.

      你問我什麼是貧窮。聽我說。我就在你旁邊 - 髒、臭、沒有穿上合適的內衣褲和我有惡臭的爛牙。我會告訴你。聽我說。別以憐憫來聽。我不能利用你的憐憫。要以體諒的心情聽。__47 _
貧窮是每天早上從一張髒又沾滿疾病的床墊上起床。床單早就當作是尿布了。__48__ 這是一種尿、臭牛奶和腐壞食物、有時候還混合了強烈燒焦洋蔥的味道。__49__ 這是一種戶外廁所的味道。這是一種冰箱早壞了牛奶已經發臭的味道,冰箱是要花錢去修理的。這是一種爛垃圾的味道。__50__ 鏟子是要用錢買的。

47 (A)

Poverty is living in a smell that never leaves.


Even the cheapest soap has to be saved for the baby’s diapers.

  (C) If you have smelled this smell, you did not know how it came.

Put yourself in my dirty, worn out, ill-fitting shoes, and hear me.

  (A) 貧窮是生活在一種永遠不會消散的味道中。






  答: D

48 (A)

I can call for help, but who should I call?


Poverty is living in a smell that never leaves.


Even the cheapest soap has to be saved for the baby’s diapers.


Put yourself in my dirty, worn out, ill-fitting shoes, and hear me.

  (A) 我可以打電話求援,但是我該打給誰呢?






  答: B

49 (A)

I can call for help, but who should I call?


I could bury it, but where is the shovel?


If you have smelled this smell, you did not know how it came.

  (D) Even the cheapest soap has to be saved for the baby’s diapers.

  (A) 我可以打電話求援,但是我該打給誰呢?  






  答: C

50 (A)

I can call for help, but who should I call?


I could bury it, but where is the shovel?

  (C) If you have smelled this smell, you did not know how it came.

Put yourself in my dirty, worn out, ill-fitting shoes, and hear me.







  (D) 把你放進我那雙髒、破、不合腳的鞋子,聽我說。
  答: B



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